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Test-A-Nest Available Hens

Rhode Island Red

Brown Egg Layer

The Rhode Island Red is an American breed of chicken. It is a utility bird, raised for meat and eggs, and also as a show bird. It is a popular choice for backyard flocks because of its egg laying abilities and hardiness.  ​     

  • Primary use: dual-purpose meat/eggs

  • Egg production (annual): 260

  • Egg size: Large

  • Temperament: Hardy

  • Recognized variety: Rose Comb, Single Comb

Barred Rock

Light Brown Egg Layer

The Plymouth Rock is a breed of domestic chicken from the United States. It originated in New England in the 19th century from cross-breeding of Dominiques and Black Javas. 

Primary use: dual-purpose meat/eggs

Egg production (annual): 280

Egg size: Large

Temperament: Calm

Recognized variety: Black Frizzle, Blue, Partridge, Barred, Buff, Columbian, Silver Penciled, Black, White Egg color: Brown, Light Brown

Light Bhrama

Brown Egg Layer

The Brahma is a large breed of chicken developed in the United States from very large birds imported from the Chinese port of Shanghai. The Brahma was the principal meat breed in the US from the 1850s until about 1930.

  • Egg production (annual): 150

  • Egg size: Large

  • Temperament: Calm

  • Recognized varieties: Dark, Buff, Light

Buff Orpington

Brown Egg Layer

The Orpington is a breed of chicken named after the town of Orpington, Kent, in south-east England, which was made famous in part by this breed. It was bred to be an excellent layer with good meat quality.

  • Primary use: dual-purpose meat/eggs

  • Egg production (annual): 190

  • Egg size: Large

  • Temperament: Calm

  • Recognized variety: Blue, Buff, Black, White

  • Egg color: Light brown

Black Australorp

Brown Egg Layer

The Australorp is a chicken breed of Australian origin, developed as utility breed with a focus on egg laying. 

  • Primary use: dual-purpose meat/eggs

  • Egg production (annual): 250

  • Egg size: Large

  • Temperament: Hardy, Docile

  • Recognized variety: Blue, Black, White

  • Egg color: Brown

Easter Egger

Blue or Green Egg Layer

An Easter Egger is any chicken that possesses the "blue egg" gene, but doesn't fully meet any breed standard defined in the American Poultry Association's (APA) standards.


The name derives from the resemblance of their colorful eggs to Easter eggs. The Araucana, Ameraucana, and Easter Egger are descended from the same founder stock that spread around the world from Chile and the Falklands.

No two Easter Eggers look alike, but are a favorite of children due to their extraordinary egg color!

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