Market Pre-Order + Lamb & Goat + CSA + Horse Shows + New This Week
Market pre-order

Many of you are taking advantage of our pre-order option at farmer’s market on Saturdays. Thanks! Just simply reply to this email with your order, and we’ll have it reserved & ready for you. We can even send you an invoice if you don't want to wait in line! Another popular option: Come on in Friday from 10am-4pm and beat the rush.
New lambs & Goats

Please give a warm welcome to two new kathadin-dorper cross lambs on our farm, Lego & Dash! Young Dash will be our new herdsire ram, and comes from great, organic, all-grass fed lines from another small diversified farm in Wayensville, Illinois.This week, we processed two lambs and a goat, and they'll be available at The Farmstand next week. These products go quick, so feel free to reply to this email and we'll hold the goat or lamb cut you're looking for! You can read more about our lamb or goat program here.
August – October CSA
We are now taking registrations for our August – October CSA. By joining our CSA, you are helping support our local family farm while providing your family with a healthy and nutritious source of meat. You are allowing us the guarantee that our meats will be sold &, more easily, let us plan for what our future needs will be. You can eat knowing that your meat came from animals that were allowed to roam pastures, eat grass, breath fresh air & lead a happy life. There are multiple sizes that fit different family’s needs, and we can most likely accommodate your specific requests. You can read more here, or call us with questions.
(Pictured above: The kids & Murray Gray bull "Darwin")

It's Showtime!
As many of you that have visited our farm know, our horses are our passion, & horse show season is underway. Come out and visit us at some upcoming shows! We’ll be showing Pete the Appaloosa on Thursday the 13th and “B&W” the Paint Friday the 14th at the 2017 Western Horse show at the Illinois State Fairgrounds. The Junior State Show is the 17th -23rd where Chloe will show an Appaloosa, Tennessee Walker, and an Arabian. If you have a horse-crazy kid or grandkid, (or just love horses yourself) come out to the fairgrounds and say hi to the horses in their stalls.
(Pictured above: Chloe & her 9-year old Appaloosa, Suddenly Stormy aka "Pete")
4th of July Sale Continues...

Our 4th of July Sale continues through this weekend. Just show your reward code below! Briskets…. $1off/lb Beef & Pork Kababs….. $1/off each Cheese - $.50 off/each Sitka Salmon Spot Prawns - $2 off/lb
(Pictured left: Our 4-year old grulla mini horse, Prince)
New this week

New RedBud Coffee available this week: Tanzanian Peaberry MICRO-LOT COFFEE Region/Farm: Mount Kilimanjaro Certifications: Fair Trade & Organic Elevation: 3,100-4,500 ft. Processing: Washed Roast: City (Light) Notes: Citrus, wine, hints of chocolate Cheeses available this week: Bacon Green Onion • Buffalo Wing Cheddar • Colby • Monterey Jack • Natural White Cheddar • Horseradish Hot Habanero Cheddar • Jala-Bac-Jack • Apple Green Olive Southwest Chipotle Cheddar • Summer Sausage Cheese Curds • Cheese Spread Smoked: Gouda • Swiss • Cheddar